▼Please click the “Confirmation Page” button after filling out the following form.
We will contact you after reviewing the details of your submission. Please understand that it may not be possible for us to respond on the same day depending on the time and contents of the submission.
Nikkei Business Publications, Inc., co-organizer of TOKYO GAME SHOW, acquires your name or e-mail address for the purpose of response to inquiries at you made about our service. In addition, please refer to the following "Explanation of Personal Information Acquisition" and accept the below agreement.
1. 事業者の名称
2. 個人情報の管理者
日経BP 個人情報管理責任者
3. 利用目的
4. 第三者提供
5. 個人情報取り扱いの委託
6. 個人情報をご記入いただけない場合について
7. 本人が容易に認識できない方法による個人情報の取得
8. 匿名加工情報について
9. EU及び英国域内に在住の方の個人情報の取り扱いについて
日経BPは一般データ保護規則(GDPR:General Data Protection Regulation)及び同規則に相当する英国法に則り、EU域内(アイスランド、リヒテンシュタイン及びノルウェーを含む欧州連合)及び英国に在住の方の個人情報を適切に管理します。
10. 米国カリフォルニア州に在住する皆様の個人情報の取り扱いについて
日経BPはカリフォルニア州消費者プライバシー法(California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018)及びカリフォルニア州プライバシー権法(California Privacy Rights Act)に則り、米国カリフォルニア州に在住の方の個人情報を適切に管理します。
11. お問い合わせ窓口
日経BP読者サービスセンター お客さま相談窓口にご連絡ください。
住所:〒134-8729 日本郵便 葛西郵便局 私書箱20号
Explanation of the personal information acquisition
Nikkei BP adheres to the applicable Japanese laws and regulations regarding protection of personal information in acquiring and handling personal information as described below.
1. Name of the business operator
Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.
2. Administrator of personal information
Nikkei BP Personal Information Administrator
3. Purpose of utilization of personal information
For providing products and services that have been purchased/ registered
For distributing direct mails and questionnaires, etc.
For administrative communications/responses to inquiries
4. Provision of personal information to third party
In cases in which personal information is to be provided to a third party, we inform the related customers of the name of the company/organization that will receive such information and what sort of information will be specifically provided to them, and obtain consent from them. Also, on third party provision, we record the dates of the offering, the names of the third party and the customers themselves and items of personal data etc. and save the record for the term specified in law.
5. Outsourcing of tasks handling personal information
There are some cases in which we outsource a requisite level of tasks handling personal information to companies that have concluded a non-disclosure agreement with us.
6. When personal information is not disclosed
There might be a limitation to services we are able to provide to individuals whose personal information is not disclosed.
7. Acquisition of personal information in a way that is not easily recognizable to users
It is possible that we automatically acquire users’ access information to Nikkei BP website and other online services through their IP address, Cookie, web beacon, etc.
8.Anonymously processed information
In making anonymously processed information, we process the relevant personal information according to the requirements set by personal information protection committee regulations, and disclose items of personal information included in the relevant anonymously processed information through the Internet in making and providing the information to the third party.
9.Handling of personal information of residents in the EU and the United Kingdom
In compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the equivalent laws of the United Kingdom, we manage personal information of those residing in the EU (European Union including Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) and the United Kingdom in an appropriate manner.
10. Handling of Personal Information for Our Users Residing in the State of California
In accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and the California Privacy Rights Act, Nikkei BP shall appropriately handle and manage the personal information of our users residing in the State of California, the U.S.
11. Contact
Please contact below when you wish to check or update your information registered with us, or to terminate registration and discontinue receiving our services.
Customer Support, Nikkei BP Fulfillment Services
Address: P.O. Box No.20 Kasai Post Office, Japan Post 134-8729
URL: https://bpcgi.nikkeibp.co.jp/form-cgi/formhtml.cgi?form=bpcom_en4/
Please see the following URL for the Nikkei BP's Personal Information Protection Policy.
▼Because we will use this information to contact you, please ensure it is accurate.
Please be sure to fill in all required fields.